The majority of pecan stores on the internet are operated by pecan wholesalers and custom pecan shellers...companies who don't grow the pecans they sell. These companies have no idea what methods were used to produce the pecans they sell to consumers, what type of pesticides and other chemicals the pecans were exposed to during the growing season, in fact they probably have no idea what variety of pecan they are selling.
The Southern Star Pecan Difference
We know the pecans we grow...and sell. We know our pecans are premium quality hybrid Western Schley and Wichita pecans, the most sought after varieties because of their taste and quality. Due to our strict orchard management procedures, we are able to produce our pecan crop without the use of pesticides almost every year. If we do have a heavy insect infestation that threatens our crop, we use the mildest formula and the least amount possible to get the situation back under control. If we do have to apply pesticides, we never use them after July...three months prior to harvest date!
We don't use heavy equipment to harvest our pecans. Because of their extremely thin shells, our nuts are harvested using small equipment that gently picks the nuts up and places them in a hopper. We then clean our pecans by hand, removing debris and any pecans that don't measure up to our standards. This gives us the opportunity to visually inspect our pecans for quality. We then rinse our in-shell pecans to remove dust and other residue from the shell.
Our pecans are placed in cold storage to maintain their 'just picked' flavor and quality. When a customer places an order, we take their pecans out of cold storage and allow them to reach room temperature before we bag them up.
We ship our pecans exclusively by USPS Priority Mail. We know a customer's pecans will arrive on their doorstep in just a few days, and not spend weeks sitting in a storage room or the back of a hot truck, their quality deteriorating before they reach their destination.
In spite of all the extra steps we take to produce and sell premium quality pecans, Southern Star Pecans sells pecans for less! Why? It's our philosophy to not only offer our customers a superior product, but value for their dollar. We simply will not charge any more than required to make a fair profit. It's the right thing to do. How can we sell for less? We don't spend thousands of dollars on chemicals and pesticides to produce a pecan crop. We don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of heavy pecan equipment to pay for. And...we do the work ourselves. Southern Star Pecans is a family owned and operated business. We don't hire crews to maintain our orchard or to harvest our pecans. It takes us a bit longer, but we are able to sell our pecans for less because we keep our operating expenses to a minimum.