Pecans for sale in our pecan store
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In-shell Pecans
Shelled Pecans
Todays Pecan Specials
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Knowledge Center/FAQ

Do you discount large quantities?

This is our most asked question.  We sell all of our packages at a discount price compared to other online pecan stores in our market area.  Our 2006 retail on in-shell pecans is .75 less per pound than anyone we can find online.  Our shelled pecans sell for $6.50 to $6.95 per pound, with competitors selling theirs for as much as $9.50 a pound.  We set our retail prices as low as we feel we can and still make some profit.

It is very common to have someone request a discount for, say,  20 pounds of pecans.  To us, that's not really a large quantity.  However, if a customer is sincerely interested in, for example, 30 pounds of shelled pecans, or something over 50 pounds of in-shell pecans, and if our supplies are sufficient to meet the demand of our other customers, we may be able to do something, but bottom line is, we discount all of our packages to everyone who buys our pecans!

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